Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research- Submission Instruction
Instruction for Authors

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Manuscripts Submission

Manuscripts should be submitted only via the Online Manuscript Submission System in the Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research in Nursing website (

The method of writing and accepting articles is as follows: The Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research in Nursing (IJRN) publishes articles related to rehabilitation nursing. Articles accepted in this journal are written in one of the following forms:
(A) Original or Research Articles: These articles are written on the basis of a systematic research plan and solid scientific findings and should include:
Title Page: Article Title in Farsi and English with Author Information and Their Organizational Affiliation in Farsi and English with Corresponding Author Contact Information
Persian Abstract: Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions
Long English Abstract: between 600 and 1000 words (Introduction, Methods, Results and Conclusions)
The main text includes: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions and References where the sources should be obtained from reliable sources. At least 80% of articles must have a DOI or a PMID code.
B) Review Article: These articles should be based on the author's complete coverage of the subject and use of at least 30 scientifically acceptable sources, including: title, abstract, introduction, and history of the subject, purpose of the study and case studies related to the subject, analysis and discussion of the presented research and conclusions. The overall result along with constructive suggestions for the future studies will also be stated. (At least 3 out of 20 sources belong to the author and are related to the subject of the article).
C) Case Report: These types of articles should be based on a specific case or professional case that has provided particular insight and should include Title, Abstract (Persian and English), Introduction, Case Report, Discussion and References.
(D) Letter to Editor: Containing one or more paragraphs of a science-fiction day issue or a note on one of the articles published in that journal. These articles are short and usually not reviewed.
General Principles
1. The official language is Farsi and overseas articles are also accepted in English.
2. The article has not previously been published in any of the journals or has been submitted to other journals simultaneously, and the overall scientific rank of the authors has been properly stated and all the authors of the article have been aware of the submission.
3. Author / Authors Submit two files of your article with and without name and specifications along with a letter of request for publishing through the site.
4. Specific names or words that appear as acronyms in text, tables, etc., are international and popular acronyms, and they should all be written once in the text in the first place where they are used, together with the acronym in parentheses.
5. The charts, images, and submissions should have minimums accepted quality (300 dpi), with separate pages indicating the number and title of the tables at the top and the charts below. People's images should not be identifiable.
6. One-line paper in the middle (1.5 cm line spacing) in A4 size paper and 2.5 cm margin on each side with Word version 2003 to 2019 DOC or DOCX format with Font type with Nazanin font or B Nazanin for Persian texts and Times New Roman typeface for English texts both in size 12.
7. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of the submitted material. There should also be no more than 5 years from the time of study and submission date.
8. The journal reserves the right to reject, accept, modify, edit and summarize articles, and submissions without any pre warning.
9. Articles are accepted provided that the ethics of the Helsinki-Tokyo Convention on Clinical Trials in Human beings are adhered to and adhered to by the Ethics Committee of the Institution in which the research is conducted. Also, such studies should obtain the consent of the study subjects and this issue should be explicitly mentioned in the text.
10. It is forbidden to publish articles in the journal, without permission from the Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research in Nursing.
11. Only one review article is published in each issue, and only one article is published from a person as the first author or correspond.
Article Types

The Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research in Nursing accepts Review Articles, Original Articles, Brief Reports, Case Reports and Letters to the editor in the all fields of Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research in Nursing.


In accordance with the ICMJE Recommendations, Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research in Nursing will not consider reports of clinical trials unless they were registered prospectively before recruitment of any participants. This applies to trials which commenced after 1 July 2005; for older trials retrospective registration will be acceptable, but only if completed before submission of the manuscript to the journal.
Eligible trials have been defined by ICMJE since 1 July 2008 as “where human participants are prospectively assigned to one or more health-related interventions [including health services and behavioral interventions] to evaluate the effects on health outcomes”, and before that were defined more narrowly as trials “where human participants are prospectively assigned to investigate the cause and effect relationship between a medical intervention and health outcome”.

How to Set Up Article Pages

Title page
1. Article title (maximum 15 words): Contains the general topic and orientation of the researcher in that topic and is consistent with the text of the article. In qualitative studies, the title should also reflect the phenomenon under study, based on experience, and be bold.
2. Name of author (s): To be mentioned under the title of the article.
3. Corresponding author: Distinguish * and include the person's phone number and email after the author's name.
4. Author's full Affiliation (s): The article contains the academic rank and address of the author (s) and their place of employment, including their university, college or research institute.
Persian Abstract
The article should be structured on a standalone basis with a maximum of 250 to 300 words without any references or abstracts and represent all the concepts and elements of the article as follows:
Introduction: This section should consist of at most two to three sentences regarding the necessity of conducting a study or reviewing the literature in this regard and then a statement about the purpose of the study.
Methods: It should include general information about the type of study, community and sample, method and means of data collection and time and type of intervention.
Results: In quantitative studies, the findings were proportional to the purpose of the study groups, with the statistical tests used, along with the results, coefficients and confidence intervals. In qualitative studies of classes, the themes or concepts or theoretical explanation of the findings in relation to the phenomenon under study should be stated, together with a brief, relevant and clarifying explanation.
Conclusion: This section should not be a duplication of research findings. This section summarizes the findings together with recommendations, applications of findings, or outcomes in nursing.
Keyword: Match between 3 to 7 words of the main word based on MeSH.
English Abstract 1000 Words
According to the new law, English abstract should have 600 to 1000 words. This abstract is the usual English abstract only more paragraphs of the Persian text need to be translated, especially the Methods, Results and the Discussion sections. No image, table, graph, chart or reference should be in the abstract. The following sections should also be written in English after the abstract:
Author's Contributions (required)
This section explains in one paragraph what each of the authors did for the article.
Example: Mr. A: He was in charge of writing and preparing the paper for the first time. Ms. B: Was responsible for the statistical analysis of the data. Mr. C: Submitted, followed up and drafted the paper, and Ms. D: completed the initial idea of the study and the lab work.
Conflict of Interest / Funding or Supports (required)
One paragraph explains whether the authors of this article are in conflict with a person or entity. Also, if financial support for this article is received from somewhere, it should be mentioned in this section.
Example: The authors of this article are all faculty members of Shahid Beheshti University, so do not submit articles to arbitrators to avoid arbitrary conflicts of interest. The authors of this article also received a grant from the Nursing Department of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences to carry out this study.
Ethical Considerations (Required)
If the authors have received a code of ethics for their article, be sure to include it in a paragraph in this section as well. Otherwise be sure to explain the ethical considerations for this study in one paragraph.
Example: The authors of this article act in accordance with the Helsinki Ethics Protocols and the information of the patients participating in this study remains completely anonymous and all information will be retained after the study. All participants in the study completed the consent form for the study and all study goals for the participants were fully described.
Practical Application of the Study (Required)
Explain in one paragraph what this study ultimately sought to solve in the real world. This section is very simple and addresses the problem that the study is trying to solve in a paragraph.
Example: This study will be useful for improving the quality of life of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and ultimately improving the overall quality of life of these patients.

Resources must be extracted from credible sources. At least 80% of articles must have either a DOI code or a PMID code or both. If you use Persian sources, use those with DOI code.
Article sources are regulated by the Vancouver style. Textual references are numbered in order of appearance in the text and also at the end of the article. In the text, after each source, enter the source number in parentheses.
Note: Due to the fact that scientific and research journals are indexed in prestigious databases worldwide, all Persian resources should be written in English.
How to write sources, whether article or book, is as follows:
1. Reference the article published in a journal, including authors' names, article title, journal title, year of publication, volume, Issue number, and finally page number as duplicate numbers from the bottom page, eg 226-221. 6-221
Hewlett S, Ambler N, Almeida C, Cliss A, Hammond A, Kitchen K, et al. Self-management of fatigue in rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized controlled trial of cognitive-behavioral therapy group. Ann Rheum Dis. 2011; 70 (6): 1060-7. doi: 10.1136 / ard.2010.144691 pmid: 21540202
2. Reference to books including authors' names, book names, city of publication, book publisher and year of publication
Lopez SJ, Snyder CR, Pedrotti JT. Hope: many definitions, many measures. Positive Psychological Assessment: A handbook of models and measures. USA: American Psychological Association; 2006.
3. If the source used is a chapter of the book, including the authors of the chapter in question, the name of the chapter, the English word "In", the authors of the book, the title of the book, the city of publication, the publisher of the book, and the year of publication.
Snyder CR. The Psychological of Hope: You Can Get There From Here. In: Johnson G, Scholes K, editors. Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall. New Delhi: Prentice Hall; 2002.
4. An internet reference including the author of that webpage, if any, the web page title, the last date the content was updated, and the date of access to that page inside the bracket, the phrase Available from and then the web page address.
Mark CR. Impact of education on ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive care unit 2019 [updated 2020; cited 2019]. Available from:

In the case of any questions please contact the support team of Iranian Journal of Rehabilitation Research in Nursing:


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
3. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed and cited within the text at the appropriate points, not at end of document.
4. The references are valid (more than 80% of references have DOI) and authors may use EndNote software to inserted and prepare bibliography section.
5. The author(s) declared that there is no Conflict of Interest of Financial Disclosure with this study and if there were any, I have stated at the end of manuscript text.
6. The author(s) are aware about copyright condition in this journal and by checking this box state that I/we are agree with the copyright. 

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