Showing 7 results for rahgozar
Mrs F Tajbakhsh , Mr Ma Hosseini , Mr M Sadeghi Ghahroudi , Mr M Fallahi-Khoshkenab , Mr A Rokofian , Mr M Rahgozar ,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (autumn 2014)
Introduction: Religious-Spiritual care cause Balance between physical, mind and spirituality in order to will gain a complete and comprehensive health. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of religious-spiritual care on anxiety among post surgery coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) patients. Methods: This research is a semi-experimental study that was performed in Baghiyatollah hospital of Tehran, Iran on 2013. Sample consisted of 68 participants with coronary artery graft. Participants were selected purposfull and then randomly assigned to: interventional (34) and control group(34). Basic data was collected by Depression Anxiety Stress Scale(DASS-21). Interventional group was received religious-spiritual care based on sterategy of the religious-spiritual Bergin Richards (2005) for 45 to 60 minutes during the fifth session and control group received routine care. Mean anxiety score before and after the intervention was measured. Analysis of data was computerized adopting SPSS 20 package software. Results: Finding of this study indicated any significant difference between mean Anxiety (P= 0/098) score before intervention between interventional and control groups. While after the intervention, significant difference was observed between mean anxiety (p= 0/000) score the interventional and control groups. Anxiety in the interventional group was significantly reduced. Conclusion: The results showed that applying religious-spiritual care, significantly decrease anxiety and depression in the interventional group. It suggested that nurses can use religious-spiritual care as a safe method in the coronary artery bypass graft surgery care.
Mrs Z Hajali Akbari , Mr Ma Hosseini , Mr K Nourozi , Mr M Rahgozar ,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (autumn 2014)
Introduction: Although last advancement in the treatment of coronary artery disease and cardiac care was remarkable in recent decades, but cardiac rehabilitation programs hasn't been significant development. The aim of this study was to determine and compare obstacles and facilitators of attending cardiac rehabilitation programs from viewpoints of patients' with coronary artery bypass graft surgery and East Azerbaijan cardiac rehabilitation specialists. Methods: It was a descriptive analytical study, statistical population Included all cardiac rehabilitation experts (11persons) of east Azerbaijan and all patients with CABG (103) were selected from East Azerbaijan by census. Data were gathered by scholar made questionnaire that its validity and reliability was determined by Lavashe method and retest coefficient and Cronbach alpha. Collected data was analyzed by KS-test, Spearman rank correlation and Mann–Whitneyin SPSS/19. Result: The most important obstacles of cardiac rehabilitation from expert's viewpoint were lack of knowledge about program, no referral by doctor and rehabilitation costs and the most important facilitators were physician referrals, follow-up, discounting costs, holding courses in different shifts and launching rehabilitation centers in different towns.The most important obstacles from patients' viewpoint were no patient reference by doctor, lack of knowledge of cardiac rehabilitation programs and not following and contacting patient by treatment staff and the most important facilitators were physicians' advice to attend course, informing about programs and launching cardiac rehabilitation centers in towns. Conclusion: According to the results of research, cardiac rehabilitation's obstacles such as, lack of Patients' knowledge, non-referral by physicians, failure to follow the staff rehabilitation and rehabilitation costs were considered.
Fereshteh Tajbakhsh , Mohammad Ali Hosseini , Mahdi Rahgozar ,
Volume 2, Issue 4 (summer 2016)
Introduction: Religious and spiritual care is important in physical and mental health of patients and increases their quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of religious-spiritual care on stress among post-surgery Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) patients in the rehabilitation center of Baghiyatollah hospital of Tehran, Iran on 2013.
Methods: This research was a semi-experimental study that was performed on 68 participants with coronary artery bypass graft. Participants were selected purposefully and then randomly assigned to: interventional (34) and control groups (34) Religious spiritual care-based training package on the pattern of Richards and Bergin was conducted in the intervention group. Basic data was collected by a Demographic Questionnaire and Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21). Mean stress core before and after the intervention was measured. Analysis of data was computerized adopting the SPSS 20 package software.
Results: The Findings of this study did not indicate a significant difference between mean stress before the intervention (P = 0.163) but showed a significant difference after the intervention (P = 0.000). After the intervention, a significant difference was observed between mean stress score of the interventional (P = 0.000) and control (P = 0.014) groups. Stress in the interventional group was significantly reduced while it was increased in the control group.
Conclusions: The results showed that applying religious-spiritual care significantly decreases the stress of patients. It has been suggested that nurses can use religious-spiritual care as a safe method in coronary artery bypass graft surgery care.
, Abolfazl Rahgoi , Kian Nourozi , Mehdi Rahgozar , Masoumeh Yadollahi ,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (Autumn 2017)
Introduction: Self-concept is an important variable in the field of elderly, to which little attention has been paid. Also, quality of life is one of the most important factors of human development. The aim of this study was to determine and compare self-concept and quality of life between residential and non-residential elderlies of nursing homes in Tehran, Iran, in 2015.
Methods: This study was descriptive-analytical study. The population of this study consisted of all non-residential and residential elderly people (n = 434) living in nursing homes of Tehran. The participants were allocated into two equal groups (n = 217) of residential and non-residential elderlies using the accidental sampling method. Data were collected using the Rogers self-concept scale, elderly quality of life questionnaire (LIPAD), and demographic questionnaire. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Chi-square test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and independent t-test) by the SPSS 18 software.
Results: Results showed that the mean values of self-concept for residential and non-residential elderlies were 8.25 ± 1.47 and 8.14 ± 1.63, respectively, which was not significantly different between the two groups. Also, the mean values of quality of life for residential and non-residential elderlies were 27.88 ± 9.80 and 31.81 ± 10.79, respectively, which was significantly different between the two groups (P = 0.000). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between self-concept and quality of life in residential elderly people (P = 0.001) and non-residential elderly people (P = 0.014).
Conclusions: According to the results of the present study, encouraging the elderlies' families to not send them to the nursing homes, improving and increasing the environmental facilities of the nursing homes, making the environment of these homes similar to their family homes, encouraging the elderlies' family or friends to regularly visit them, increasing the rehabilitation services and empowering the elderly can be helpful to improve the elderlies' quality of life.
Mrs Shima Shirozhan, Dr Asghar Dalvandi, Dr Mohammadali Hosseini, Dr Ahmad Raeessadat, Dr Mahdi Rahgozar,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (fall 2018)
Aim and background: Shoulder pain after stroke is one of the most common types of pain and post-stroke complications, which also reduces the function of the affected hand. Shoulder pain is one of the obstacles to rehabilitation and independence on the patient's daily activities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of magnetic field therapy on the shoulder pain of patients with subluxation after stroke.
Method: In this double-blind randomized, clinical trial, 36 patients with stroke who referred to the Tabassom rehabilitation stroke center in Tehran, complained of subluxation and shoulder pain, were included in the study by randomized sampling. After assigning patients in two groups of 19, in the intervention group, the magnetic shoulder support with the intensity of 1500 Guess and in the control group were used the shoulder without the magnetic feature for 48 hours continuous. Before and after the intervention, the pain was measured by the visual analog scale (VAS). Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 18 and using descriptive and inferential statistics. The significance level was considered (0.05).
Results: The majority of the intervention group (66.7%) were women and the control group was male (66.7%). There was no significant difference between the mean pain score of hands in two groups before intervention. However, after the magnetic therapy, the mean score of pain in the intervention group was significantly decreased (p = 0.001), but the changes in the control group were not significant.
Conclusion: Magnetic therapy in patients with stroke reduces shoulder pain. Magnetic therapy can replace or complement other therapeutic and surgical treatment for shoulder pain.
Mrs Hajar Tahmasebi, Dr Sayed Baqer Maddah Sadat, Dr Asghar Dalvandi, Dr Sima Ghasemi, Dr Mahdi Rahgozar,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (winter 2019)
Introduction: Increasing the lives of humans and adding elderly populations is one of the achievements of the 21st century, and aging is a phenomenon that some human societies encounter or will face. Choosing a healthy lifestyle in this age is important because of its ability to prevent diseases and improve the physical and mental health. This study was designed to determine the effect of health promoting behaviors on the life style of the elderly referred to Marvdasht health center.
Methods: This quasi-experimental interventional study with 170 intervention and control groups referred to Marvdasht health center. It was performed in 1996-96. Sampling was done randomly from elderly patients referred to Marvdasht health center. The participants were randomly assigned to two groups of intervention (85 people) and control (85 people). The data gathering tool was a standard elderly lifestyle questionnaire. Individuals in the intervention group participated in planned training programs. Three months after the end of the intervention, post-test was performed in both groups. Data were analyzed using SPSS16 software, Chi-square, mean and standard deviation, independent t-test and ANOVA.
Results: Based on the findings, the mean age of the elderly in the intervention and control group was 65.3 and 65.9, respectively. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the three months after the intervention in the dimensions of exercise, prevention, nutrition, stress management, and interpersonal relationships in the elderly before and after the intervention (P = 0.001).
Conclusions: The results of the research showed that education of health promotion behaviors is effective on improving lifestyle in the elderly. According to the results of this study, further interventions with the aim of increasing the awareness of the elderly regarding the improvement of lifestyle status seems necessary.
Shima Shirozhan, Asghar Dalvandi, Mohammadali Hosseini, Mahdieh Sedighi Pashaki, Seyed Ahmad Raeissadat, Mahdi Rahgozar,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (4-2021)
Introduction: One of the stroke complications is hemiplegia, which can cause subluxation of the shoulder joint and reduce the passive range of motion of the affected shoulder, resulting in limited movement. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of static magnet therapy on pain-free shoulder passive range of motion in patients with shoulder subluxation after stroke.
Methods: This clinical trial study was performed on 36 patients with stroke (18 in the intervention group and 18 in the control group) referred to Tabassum Stroke Rehabilitation Center in Tehran in 2016. Neodymium magnetic shoulder support with an intensity of 1500 gauss was used in the intervention group, and non-magnetic shoulder support was used for the control group. A goniometer measured Pain-free passive range of motion (abduction) of the (shoulder with subluxation) under the supervision of an occupational therapist. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 18 using descriptive and inferential statistical tests. The significance level was considered 0.05.
Results: After magnet therapy, the mean score of range of motion in the intervention group increased significantly (0.023). Post-test comparison between the intervention and control groups showed that the mean score of range of motion was higher in the intervention group, but this difference was not statistically significant.
Conclusions: Magnet therapy as a complementary, low-cost, and safe treatment with an increasing range of motion without shoulder pain can help improve individual activities and prevent complications. Further studies on the effectiveness of magnet therapy in improving the range of motion are recommended.