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Dr Mohsen Barghamadi, Dr Amir Fatollahi, Mr Morteza Shokrzadehsarbanlar,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (4-2024)

Introduction: The ground reaction force frequency spectrum analysis of handball players is an important method to determine effective parameters of sports performances. The frequency spectrum of ground reaction forces in handball players is important to determine parameters affecting sports performance. Therefore, this study aimed to contrast the comparison effects of immediate and long-term use of arch support insoles on the ground reaction forces frequency spectrum in the handball players’ three-step shot technique with flat feet during landing.
Methods: This study was a semi-experimental and observational type. Participants were randomly divided into three equal groups, including the control group, an immediate intervention group, and a long-term intervention group. A force plate was included in the walkway to collect ground reaction forces. The normality distribution of data was examined and confirmed by using the Shapiro-Wilk Test. One-way ANOVA test was used to analyze the data. All analyses were performed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 24.
Results: In the media-lateral direction, the median frequency component showed a significant difference during the landing of the handball players’ three-step shot technique between the three groups (P=0.043; F=3.54). Also, in the media-lateral direction, the band frequency component showed a significant difference during the landing of the handball players’ three-step shot technique between the three groups (P=0.044; F=3.55). Other components of the ground reaction force frequency spectrum during landing did not show any significant difference (P>0.05).
Conclusions: It seems a lower frequency spectrum during landing after immediate and long-term use of arch support insoles, reduced the risks of lower limb injuries and instability of ankle in the handball players with flat feet during the three-step shot technique. This needs to be verified in future studies.


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