Volume 5, Issue 3 (spring 2019)                   IJRN 2019, 5(3): 8-13 | Back to browse issues page

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Okhli A, Masoodi R. The Impact of Family-Based Empowerment Pattern on Hemodialysis Patients in Golestan Province in 1394. IJRN 2019; 5 (3) :8-13
URL: http://ijrn.ir/article-1-403-en.html
Department of Nursing, Gonbad Kavoos Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gonbad Kavoos, Iran
Abstract:   (5545 Views)
Introduction: Chronic renal failure is an advanced and irreversible impairment of renal function, which affects 2 to 3 percent of the world's population today. The number of patients with kidney transplant failure is estimated to be about 25,000, according to a report from the Center for the Transplantation of Specific Diseases. Annually, about 4,000 new patients are added to this population, with dialysis as the most commonly used treatment. Nearly 50% of these kidney patients are hemodialysis patients in Iran.Hemodialysis patients have many complications due to the chronic nature of the disease, which can decrease their self-efficacy and quality of life. Improving and supporting these patients requires active participation of the family. Therefore, the aim of this study was to improve the family-centered empowerment of hemodialysis patients in Golestan province.
Methods: This experimental study was carried out on 70 hemodialysis patients in Gonbad-e-Kavoos city who were randomly divided into two groups of control and control after being matched for dialysis, education, age and sex. The family-centered empowerment model in the test group was performed in 6 sessions of 60-90 minutes. Data gathering tool was Sherer general self-efficacy questionnaire. Data analysis was done by SPSS21 software using independent t-test, paired T-test and Analysis of variance.
Results: Independent t-test between the intervention and control groups did not show any significant difference. (P = 0.97), but independent t after intervention showed significant difference between the two groups (P < 0.01).
Conclusions: Implementation of family-centered empowerment model with the participation of family members will increase self-care and promote lifestyle in hemodialysis patients. It is recommended that the patient receive the health care in the family home. Due to the low cost and safety and the impact of the family-centered empowerment model, it is recommended to use this model on other variables of nursing care or other chronic patients.
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Type of Study: Applicable |
Received: 2018/11/17 | Accepted: 2019/01/13 | Published: 2019/04/25

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