Volume 6, Issue 2 (Winter 2019)                   IJRN 2019, 6(2): 56-65 | Back to browse issues page

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Alimoradi B, Nejat H. Brain Behavioral Systems, Early Maladaptive Schema, and Premenstrual in Mothers with Postpartum Depression Disorder. IJRN 2019; 6 (2) :56-65
URL: http://ijrn.ir/article-1-409-en.html
Postdoctoral of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Department of Psychology, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran
Abstract:   (4144 Views)
Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate brain-behavioral systems, early maladaptive schemas and premenstrual syndrome as predictors of postpartum blues.
Methods: The present study was a descriptive correlational research. Study population included all referred females who diagnosed as mothers with postpartum depression in health centers of Mashahd city during 2018. A total sample of 200 mothers with postpartum depression selected with Multi-stage cluster sampling method. The participants completed brain behavioral systems scale, early maladaptive schema scale, Edinburgh postpartum depression scale, and premenstrual syndrome scale. Collected data were analyzed by a stepwise regression model.
Results: The results showed that inhibition and activation behavioral systems, premenstrual syndrome, impaired autonomy and performance schemas and impaired limits schemas were all related to postpartum blues. The behavioral inhibition system, impaired autonomy and performance schemas, impaired limits schemas and premenstrual syndrome positively predicted postpartum blues and the behavioral activation system negatively predicted postpartum blues.
Conclusions: Postpartum depression disorder in mothers were related in terms of brain behavioral systems, early maladaptive schema and premenstrual syndrome. Hence evaluation, diagnostic and therapeutic consideration based on these correlations for postpartum depression disorder seems necessary.
Full-Text [PDF 964 kb]   (2734 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2018/12/14 | Accepted: 2019/05/14 | Published: 2019/12/18

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