Volume 10, Issue 4 (Summer 2024)                   IJRN 2024, 10(4): 89-96 | Back to browse issues page

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Amini H, Rostami F. Effectiveness of Group Meaning Therapy on Self-efficacy Improvement of Depressed Patients. IJRN 2024; 10 (4) :89-96
URL: http://ijrn.ir/article-1-859-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Islamic Azad University, Chaloos Branch, Chaloos,Iran
Abstract:   (667 Views)
Introduction: Meaningfulness, purposefulness, and hope in life are the components of mental health consolidation. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of group meaning therapy on the improvement of self-efficacy and happiness of depressed patients.
Methods: This study was conducted in a semi-experimental manner, and its statistical population was composed of depressed patients who were referred to counseling clinics in Chalus City, sampling was conducted in a targeted manner, in such a way that the self-efficacy questionnaire was Screening was performed on all the mentioned patients and 40 people were selected based on the lowest score, then they were randomly replaced in two experimental and control groups. Sherer's general self-efficacy questionnaire was used to measure the variables and to analyze the data, the multivariate analysis of covariance test was used.
Results: The findings indicate that group meaning therapy has been effective in increasing self-efficacy. Specifically, the coefficients of 0.42 demonstrate its effectiveness in enhancing resistance in facing obstacles, while coefficients of 0.37 and 0.26 indicate its impact on the desire to expand efforts for completion. Therefore, it can be concluded that group meaning therapy leads to improved self-efficacy in depressed patients.
Conclusion: Group meaning therapy achieves this by employing various techniques, such as finding and deriving meaning from the historical context of life and personal responsibility, changing attitudes and discovering meaning in different ways, deriving meaning from the experience of values, and finding meaning through dreams.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Mental rehabilitation
Received: 2023/11/20 | Accepted: 2024/07/20 | Published: 2024/07/27

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