Volume 1, Issue 3 (spring 2015)                   IJRN 2015, 1(3): 45-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Jelvani M, Abedi A, Aghaei Goshaghani A. The relation between attachment styles with Sensation seeking in high school students in the city of Isfahan. IJRN 2015; 1 (3) :45-53
URL: http://ijrn.ir/article-1-100-en.html
Department of Education, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (10922 Views)

Introduction: The created attachment style between mother and her child will play an important role in the child's cognitive, social and behavioral performance in the future. Therefore this study was conducted to find any existing relationship between attachment styles and intensity of sensation seeking in female high school students in Isfahan-Iran. Methods: The research was a descriptive, causal-comparative study. The statistical population of the study was all high school female students of Isfahan in academic year 2010-11, 160 students were selected through multi-stage clustered random sampling (80 High Sensation seekers, 80 low Sensation seekers). The inclusion criteria of the study were having Sensation seeking and lack of major psychiatric disorders. The applied instruments in this study were Zakerman's fifth form of Sensation seeking scale (40 items) and the adult's attachment style questionnaire. The achieved data were analyzed through MANOVA using SPSS Statistics 21. Results: The results of the study showed that there is a significant difference between two high and low sensation seeking groups (p<0.05).The results of mono-variable tests proved the observed difference in MANOVA implies that there is a significant difference between the groups of high and low emotion seekers in safe attachment style scores while there was not a significant relationship between two other groups of attachment styles( anxious-avoidant and anxious-resistant) and intensity of sensation seeking (p>0.05). Conclusion: Sensations and emotions, as one of the important components in social interactions, can be influenced by attachment styles especially safe attachment from very early stages of life. Therefore through providing conditions to meet the children's attachment needs, regulation and fine modulation of their adulthood emotions will be achieved.

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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2015/04/22 | Accepted: 2015/04/22 | Published: 2015/04/22

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