Volume 8, Issue 3 (Spring 2022)                   IJRN 2022, 8(3): 30-41 | Back to browse issues page

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Parvizian M, Bardideh M R, Mozafari M, Omidvar B. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program: Evaluating Effectiveness on Learned Helplessness of Students Special Learning Disorders (Dictation). IJRN 2022; 8 (3) :30-41
URL: http://ijrn.ir/article-1-693-en.html
Assistant Professor in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran / Mbardideh@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2776 Views)
Introduction and Aim: Children with special learning disability of dictation often have low self-efficacy, which is mainly due to academic failure and difficult perception. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy intervention on learned helplessness of students with special learning disabilities (dictation).
Methods: The research method in this quasi-experimental study was pre-test-post-test with two educational and control groups. The statistical population included all students with special dictation disorders in elementary school in the Center for Empowerment of the Mind in Tehran (Iran) in the academic year 1399-1400. Among them, 30 male students with special learning disabilities (dictation) were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and by available sampling method and then were randomly divided into two groups of 15 participants. Cognitive behavioral therapy intervention was performed 2 sessions (90 minutes) per week for a month and a half during 6 weeks (12 sessions). The research instrument included the Learned Helplessness Questionnaire (LHS). Data were analyzed using analysis of covariance
Results: Findings demonstrated that cognitive behavior therapy intervention had a significant effect on the learned helplessness of students with special learning disabilities (dictation) (P <0.05).
Conclusions: According to the findings, it can be concluded that cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention can reduce the learned helplessness of students with special learning disabilities (dictation). Therefore, educational centers, psychological services and counseling can use this method to improve the learned helplessness of students with special learning disabilities (dictation).

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Mental rehabilitation
Received: 2022/01/10 | Accepted: 2022/02/17 | Published: 2022/04/6

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