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Sexual function of male patients before and after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (22743 Views)
Components of information behavior in patients with cardiovascular disease participated in cardiac rehabilitation program (18932 Views)
A comparison of cognitive wellbeing, social acceptance and adaptation among Internet non-addicted and addicted high school girls (18165 Views)
Determining Concurrent Validity of the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (18101 Views)
The Comparison of physical and mental dimensions of health-related quality of life in addicts and healthy people (17401 Views)
The effect of collaborative care model on sleep quality of patients' undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. (16345 Views)
Tele nursing care in chronic patients/a systematic review (16130 Views)
The effect of hope based group therapy approach on the severity of depression in multiple sclerosis patients (15129 Views)
Rehabilitation needs of patients with physical disabilities due to traffic accidents for returning to the community: a qualitative study (15055 Views)
Comparison of drug therapy with exersice program on body composition and cardio-pulmonary fitness in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (14338 Views)
Relationship between Mental Health and Quality of Life in patients with heart failure (14277 Views)
Evaluation of elderly cardiac patient's ability to receiving their needed social support (14033 Views)
Quality of life and its associated factors in primary family caregivers of children with physical disabilities under supervision of welfare organization Iran- Ilam (13667 Views)
The effect of an aerobic training program on physical self-concept and self-esteem of nurses (13644 Views)
The effect of religious-spiritual care on anxiety post surgery coronary artery bypass graft patients (13583 Views)
Comparison of life meaning and hopefulness between spinal cord injuries, blinds, and healthy people in Kerman-Iran (13371 Views)
The compersion of psychlogical capital and quality of life between mothers of healthy and handicaped children (13322 Views)
Predicting quality of life and happiness based on attachment style (12793 Views)
The predisposing factors for drug abuse in viewpoints of referrers to Addiction Treatment Centers in Kermanshah (12569 Views)
The effect of empowering family caregivers of brain damaged patients base on problem solving by telephone follow-ups on knowledge, attitude and skills of caregiving (12346 Views)
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on treating the adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder after road accidents in the province of Isfahan (12255 Views)
Effect of Multi - Sensory Stimulation on memory in Nursing home residents in Ahvaz. (12217 Views)
The effect of cold therapy for the management of pain associated with deep breathing and coughing in patients undergoing open heart surgery in RAJAI cardiovascular hospital (12160 Views)
The effectiveness of cunctation-based cognitive-behavioral intervention on Secondary school students' self-esteem, Educational performance and procrastination (12105 Views)
The comparison of Emotional Quotient in blinds and low visions with normal sighted people in Shahroud welfare organization, 1392 (11431 Views)
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The predisposing factors for drug abuse in viewpoints of referrers to Addiction Treatment Centers in Kermanshah (21022 Downloads)
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Depression, Stress and Indicators of Pain in Women with Chronic Pain (16332 Downloads)
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Anxiety Reduction and Brainwave Pattern in Patients with Anxiety Disorder (13579 Downloads)
Effects of Pilates training on the quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome women (10570 Downloads)
Effectiveness of emotion regulation strategies for aggression control based on gross model in substance abusers (9229 Downloads)
The Effectiveness of Self-Care Training on Quality of Life Among Elderlies With Diabetes (8111 Downloads)
Design of Digital Flow Meter for Oxygen Setting in Patients with Respiratory Diseases (7416 Downloads)
The Effect of Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy on Pathological Worry and Anxiety Symptoms in Students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (6961 Downloads)
Efficacy of Kataria Group Laughter Therapy and Physical Activity on Hope and Meaningfulness in Life among Elderlies in Tehran (6830 Downloads)
A review of the effective factors on physical rehabilitation of stroke patients (6510 Downloads)
Effectiveness of Couple Therapy by Gottman Method on Family Function and Marital Adjustment in Divorce Applicant Couples (6229 Downloads)
The Impact of Family Centered Care on Depression, Anxiety and Stress of Family Caregivers of Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery (6153 Downloads)
Job Stress and Related Factors among Staff of the Operation Room in Bandar Abbas (6103 Downloads)
Comparing the Effectiveness of Group Story Therapy and the Art-Play Therapy on Anxiety and Depression in Children with Cancer: Based on the Framework, Principles and Rules of Cognitive-Behavioral Approach (5780 Downloads)
Predicting quality of life and happiness based on attachment style (5698 Downloads)
Determining Concurrent Validity of the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes (5582 Downloads)
Effect of Aromatherapy With Lemon Essential Oil on Anxiety after Orthopedic Surgery (5446 Downloads)
Effect of exercise program on musculoskeletal pain intensity in paraplegic Spinal Cord Injury patients (5366 Downloads)
Comparison of plantar pressure distribution in runners with different foot structures (5264 Downloads)
The effect of hope based group therapy approach on the severity of depression in multiple sclerosis patients (5214 Downloads)
The effect of an aerobic training program on physical self-concept and self-esteem of nurses (5185 Downloads)
Rehabilitation needs of patients with physical disabilities due to traffic accidents for returning to the community: a qualitative study (5137 Downloads)
Effectiveness of Compassion Focused Therapy on Loneliness, Self-care Behaviors and Blood Sugar in Diabetes Patients (5110 Downloads)
The comparison of Emotional Quotient in blinds and low visions with normal sighted people in Shahroud welfare organization, 1392 (5083 Downloads)
The Effect of Religious-Spiritual Care on Stress Post Surgery Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients (4922 Downloads)
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welcome ( 15 send)
New Journal website launched ( 13 send)
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New Journal website launched ( 1438 print)
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Ethical Practice and Research Misconduct ( 670 print)
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Peer Review Process ( 654 print)
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