5A Model
The Effectiveness of Self-Management Program Based on 5A Model on patient care burden for stroke patients [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Activity restriction
The Relationship between Fear of falling and Activity Limitations among Seniors of Ghaem Shahr City in 2013 [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Efficacy of Kataria Group Laughter Therapy and Physical Activity on Hope and Meaningfulness in Life among Elderlies in Tehran [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Ankle muscles
Effect of exercise therapy with Beta medicine ball on directed and general co-contraction of ankle joint muscles in low back pain patients during walking [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Designing and the Validation of the Evidence-Based Nursing Care Instruction in the Anxiety of Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Aquatic Therapy
The Effect of Aquatic Therapy on the Balance and Hamstring Flexibility in Females with Chronic Low Back Pain [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Attention- Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.
The Effectiveness of Vocational Rehabilitation on Executive Functions and Career Meta-Capacities in Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Auditory Focus.
The Effect of Storytelling on Visual and Auditory Attention and
Concentration in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Effectiveness of “Kozloff Parental Training Program” on Expressed Emotion and Burden Among Mothers With Autistic Child [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Autism Disorder.
The Effectiveness of Music Therapy on Self-Harm Behaviors and Executive Functions in Children with Autism Disorder [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Below-knee amputees
Evaluation of ground reaction force in walking of below knee amputees based on sample entropy [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Effect of Preoperative Training on Preoperative Anxiety in Patients with Brain Tumors under Stereotaxic Biopsy [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Comparison of life meaning and hopefulness between spinal cord injuries, blinds, and healthy people in Kerman-Iran [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Brain Waves
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Anxiety Reduction and Brainwave Pattern in Patients with Anxiety Disorder [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Breast Cancer
The Quality of Life of Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Palliative and Supportive Care [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Bulimia nervosa
The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Self-esteem and Cognitive Flexibility in Women with Bulimia Nervosa [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Comparison of demoralization in nurses of COVID-19 wards and other wards admitted to hospitals affiliated to Alborz University of Medical Sciences- 2021 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Correlation Between Spiritual Well-Being and Family Caregiver Burden in Patients with Cancer [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Examination of the Effect of Logotherapy on Death Anxiety in Cancer Patients at 5 Azar Hospital of Gorgan [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Cardiac surgery intensive care unit
The effect of nursing consultation on satisfaction of patients' families at the Cardiac Surgery Intensive Care Units [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Cerebral palsy
Effect of Eight-Week Combined Strength-Balance Training on Muscle Strength, Balance and Quality of Life in Children with Monoplegic Cerebral Palsy [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Effect of a 12-Week Aquatic Exercise on Serum Chemerin Levels in Men with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Investigating the Effectiveness of Doll Play Therapy Combined with Psychodrama on the Addiction to Computer Games of Children with Learning Disabilities [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Childhood trauma
Causal Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Rumination in Teenagers with Self-injurious Behaviors: Mediating Role of Childhood Trauma [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Children with Cancer.
Comparing the Effectiveness of Group Story Therapy and the Art-Play Therapy on Anxiety and Depression in Children with Cancer: Based on the Framework, Principles and Rules of Cognitive-Behavioral Approach [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Children with disability.
The Effectiveness of Family Resilience Training on Psychological Hardiness
of Mothers of children with Disability [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Clinical Nurses
Assessment the relationship between fatigue and medication errors in nurses working in Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Kashan [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Clinical Trial
Comparing the Effects of Education of the First Phase of Cardiac Rehabilitation on Self-efficacy of Men and Women after Heart Surgery: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Cognitive Avoidance
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Cognitive Fusion and Cognitive Avoidance in Women with Problems [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Cognitive behavioral Therapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program: Evaluating Effectiveness on Learned Helplessness of Students Special Learning Disorders (Dictation) [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Collaborative Care Model
The effect of collaborative care model on sleep quality of patients' undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery. [Volume 1, Number 4] |
Developing an integrated psychotherapy model of generalized anxiety disorder comorbid with emotional disorders; a qualitative approach [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Compassion-Focused Therapy
Sexual Satisfaction
Emotion Regulation
The Effectiveness of Compassion-Focused Therapy on Sexual Satisfaction, Emotional Regulation, and Resilience in Nurses with burnt Marriage Syndrome [Volume 7, Number 3] |
The effect of Tele rehabilitation Training on Complications of hip osteoarthritis: A quasi-experimental study [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Compressive Force
The mutual effect of navicular drop and the type of foot covering on the contact forces of ankle and knee joints during running [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Content Analysis
Therapeutic Touch in Patients with Migraine Headaches: A Content Analysis Study [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Content analysis
Exploring Barriers to Promotion of Professional Empowerment from the Perspectives of Nurses working in Surgical Ward of Kashan Shahid Beheshti hospital: A Qualitative Study [Volume 5, Number 2] |
The Effectiveness of Community Re-entry Program (CRP) in Increasing Preparedness for Discharge and Post-discharge Coping in Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders [Volume 8, Number 1] |
The Effectiveness of Stress Management Treatment on Emotional Regulation and Quality of Life of Patients with Covid-19 [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
The Effect of Religious-Spiritual Care on Stress Post Surgery Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Patients [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Function - Sexual Function - International Index of Erectile Function
Sexual function of male patients before and after coronary artery bypass graft surgery [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Coronary arteries.
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Anxiety and Distress Tolerance in Patients with Coronary Heart Diseases [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Coronary artery bypasses grafting.
Effect of Application of Continuous Care Model on Quality of Life and Prevention of Complications in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Patients [Volume 1, Number 2] |
The Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on depression and perceived stress of patients after corona treatment [Volume 10, Number 4] |
The Effect of Telemedicine on Anxiety and Quality of Life of Patients with Covid-19 [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Creatine kinase MB Isoenzyme
The effect of a period of resistance training with blood flow restriction on the level of Biochemical Markers of Cardiac Cells in male judokas [Volume 10, Number 2] |
A comparison of the effect of two different local cooling methods on knee joint position sense [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Prediction of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Familial Observers of Patients with Dementia Based on Family Performance [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Comparison the Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation Training and Positive Mindfulness Training on Hope and Psychological distress in Mastectomized Patients with Depression [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy on Cognitive Fusion and Self-care Behaviors in Patients with type 2 Diabetes [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Diabetes Diseases
The Effect of a 5A-Based Self-Management Program on Empowering the Elderly with Diabetes [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Disabled Children
Quality of life and its associated factors in primary family caregivers of children with physical disabilities under supervision of welfare organization Iran- Ilam [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Disabled Persons and women
Effectiveness of Happiness Training Program Based on Fordyce Cognitive Behavioral Theory on Quality of Life and Ability to Tolerate Disorders of Women with Physical-Motor Disabilities [Volume 4, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of cognitive therapy training based on mindfulness on the parent-child relationship and consensual custody of children in parents applying for an irreconcilable divorce [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Drug Adherence
Effect of the Community Re-entry Program on Medication Adherence in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Type I [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Duration of Hospitalization
Comparison of Costs and Length of Stay of Elderly and Middle-Aged Patients Hospitalized in Tehran's Milad Hospital during Year 2012 [Volume 3, Number 3] |
The Effectiveness of Child-centered Mindfulness on the Attention and Response Inhibition of Dysgraphia Students [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Evaluation of Quality of Life in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury Following the Bam Earthquake in 2003 [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Computerized and Non-Computerized Cognitive Games on Sustained Attention and Planning in Educable Intellectual Disability Children [Volume 10, Number 2] |
The effect of educational program on health promotion behaviors on elderly life style [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Risk Reduction Intervention Effect on Elderly People in Earthquake Disaster Preparedness Subscales Communication, During Earthquake as Well as in Post-earthquake Recovery [Volume 3, Number 1] |
The Effect of Aerobic Training on Coagulation Factors of Male Nursing in Nursing Home [Volume 3, Number 4] |
The effect of 12 weeks of training with total body resistance on static and dynamic balance in older men [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Investigating the effectiveness of neuro-feedback on alpha and beta frequency bands in the elderly with mild cognitive impairment [Volume 9, Number 4] |
The Role of Forgiveness and Tolerance of Distress on Life Satisfaction in Elderly People in Qazvin [Volume 6, Number 2] |
The Effect of Slow Stroke Back Massage on Elderlies With Multiple Sclerosis in Kahrizak Charity Foundation in 2014 [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Psychometric Properties of Persian version of Heartland Forgiveness Scale in Elderly [Volume 3, Number 4] |
The effect of training TRX on serum levels of myostatin and Follistatin and neuromuscular function in overweight elderly men [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Investigating the Association between Hypertension and Restless Legs Syndrome in Elderlies of Saqqez City in 2016 [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Elderly people
Effect of Multi - Sensory Stimulation on memory in Nursing home residents in Ahvaz. [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Elderly women
Effect of “Tai Chi Chuan” on Depression in elderly women [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Comparision the timing of lower limb muscles activity in the stance phase of running between athletes with reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament and healthy [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Effect of Motor Games in Accordance with Montessori Education Theory on Electrical Activity of Muscles in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Emergency department
The effect of interprofessional communication skills training on patient safety culture among Emergency department staff [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Emotional Divorce.
Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Couple Therapy on Cognitive Fusion and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Couples with Emotional Divorce Conditions [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Emotional Knowledge.
The effectiveness of educational games based on social-emotional learning on self-regulation, responsibility and emotional knowledge in preschool children [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Erectile dysfunction
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Combined and Moderating Negative Cognitive Bias on Sexual Satisfaction, Sexual Intimacy in Men with Erectile Dysfunction [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The Effect of Concurrent Aerobic–Resistance Exercise Training on Estrogen Level and Glucose Homeostasis of Menopausal Females with Blood Glucose Impairment [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Effect of Sport Activities on the Quality of Life, Mental Health, and Depression of the Individuals with Disabilities [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Impact of a mind-body technique program and exercise on sleep disturbance and anxiety in patients with carcinoma [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Exercise Rehabilitation
The Effect of Personalized Comprehensive Rehabilitation Training on Static and Dynamic Balance in Women with Multiple Sclerosis with Different Disability Levels [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Falling Risk
The Effect of a Simple Balance Training Program on Fall Prevention in the Elderly Women Hospitalized in Razi Psychiatric Hospital, Tehran [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Family Function
Effectiveness of Couple Therapy by Gottman Method on Family Function and Marital Adjustment in Divorce Applicant Couples [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Family caregivers.
the effect of education on self-management 5A method on family APGAR of family of children with cerebral palsy [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Family-Centered Nursing
The Impact of Family Centered Care on Depression, Anxiety and Stress of Family Caregivers of Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery [Volume 3, Number 2] |
The Effect of TeleRehabilitation Care on Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Patients [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The Effect of a Personalized Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program Based on Different Disability Levels on Physical Fitness, Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Fatty Liver
Effects of Eight Weeks Elastic Band Circuit Resistance Training with Green Coffee Supplement on Hepatic Function Indices in Obese Women [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Gender Identity disorder.
The Study of Psychological Challenges in Mothers with Transsexual’s Child: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The Effect of Mindfulness Cognitive Therapy on Pathological Worry and Anxiety Symptoms in Students with Generalized Anxiety Disorder [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Glycosylated Hemoglobin
Determining Concurrent Validity of the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Ground Reaction Forces
The effect of long-term use of braces on three-dimensional ground reaction forces in people with genu varus during walking [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Ground reaction force
Effect of Motor Games in Accordance with Montessori Education Theory on External forces imposed on the Body in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Ground reaction forces.
Effect of Using Double Density Spike Shoes and Regular Spike Shoes on the Ground Reaction Force Components Before and After Fatigue [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Grounded theory
Designing a Pattern for Creating Organizational Knowledge in Military Nursing Education Using Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Heart Disease.
Investigation of the relationship between pharmacological knowledge of anticoagulants with medication adherence in the elderly patients with atrial fibrillation [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Heart failure.
Relationship between Mental Health and Quality of Life in patients with heart failure [Volume 1, Number 4] |
Investigating the relationship between health literacy and quality of life on hemodialysis patients in selected medical centers under the auspices of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Evaluation of Mental Health and Hope in Dialysis Patients [Volume 6, Number 2] |
The Expected and Perceived Service Quality by Geriatric Patients and Medical Staff of NAJA Hospitals [Volume 4, Number 3] |
The Level of Illness Perception and its Relationship with Adherence to the Medical Regimen in the Elderly with Hypertension [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Incompatible Couples.
Comparison the Effectiveness of Emotion-Focused Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Distress Tolerance of Incompatible Couples [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Incomplete Paraplegia
The comparison of effect of conventional exercise and locomotor exercise with body weight support (LTBWS) on motor function and body composition in incomplete paraplegic persons [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Evaluation of the Frequency and Causes of Infants Mortality in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Fatemieh Hospital of Hamadan, Iran, 2015 [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Intellectual Disability
The Effect of Eight Weeks selected Football Training on Body Composition of Male with Intellectual Disability [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Interval Exercise Training.
The effect of aerobic interval training on endothelial vasculature function in type 2 diabetes patient [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Iodine Therapy
Effect of Multimedia Orientation Tour on Anxiety of Patients with Thyroid Cancer of Candidate Iodine Therapy [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
The Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Perceived Social Support in Predicting Quality of Life and Severity of Symptoms of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy on Disease Perception and Self-Care Behaviors of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Effect of Rehabilitation with Beta Medicine Ball on Ground Reaction Force
Components in Low Back Pain Patients during Walking [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Knee Osteoarthritis
The Effect of Self-management Training on Self-efficacy of Elderly Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Effects of immediate and long-term use of arch support insoles on the frequency spectrum in handball players with flat feet [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Effect of Aromatherapy With Lemon Essential Oil on Anxiety after Orthopedic Surgery [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Lower limb muscle
Comparison of electrical and co-contraction activity of selected lower limb muscles during manual load lifting with three different technique [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Magnet Therapy
Shoulder Subluxation
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The Effect of Static Magnet Therapy on Pain-Free Shoulder Passive Range of Motion in Patients with Shoulder Subluxation after Stroke: A Randomized Clinical Trial [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Marital Expectations
Comparison the Effectiveness of Couple Therapy of Emotional-Focused and Imago Therapy on Marital Burnout and Expectations in Couples with Marital Conflicts [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Marital Frustration
The effect of sexual diversity and thrill seeking on married men's marital frustration [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Marital Satisfaction.
The role of communicative covert aggression and cognitive emotion regulation in predicting marital satisfaction [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Marital conflicts.
The Effectiveness of Gutman's Cognitive-Systemic Couple Therapy in Marital Conflicts of Divorce Applicants [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Married Persons
The Study of the Dimensions and Components of Emotional Divorce in married nurses in Tehran hospitals [Volume 5, Number 3] |
The Effect of Effleurage Massage Duration on Sleep Quality Improvement [Volume 2, Number 4] |
The Effectiveness of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Treatment on the Performance of Problem Solving in Patients With Math Learning Disabilities [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Mental and Multiple Retardation
Investigating the Relationship of the Components of Hardiness with the Aspects of Burnout in Caretakers of People with Physical, Mental and Multiple Retardation from the Welfare Center of Isfahan City in 2014 [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Middle Age Female
The Effect of Frenkel's Training With and Without Suit Therapy on Fatigue and Balance of Multiple Sclerosis Patients [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Middle Age Female
The Effect of Eight-week Selected Hatha Yoga Exercises on Auditory and Visual Reaction Time of Middle-aged Females [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Mindful Parenting.
Effectiveness of Mindful Parenting Education on Emotion Regulation and Behavioral Inhibition in Parents with Anxious Children [Volume 7, Number 3] |
The effectiveness of education awareness of social self - efficacy and Resilience in the patients depends on glass [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Mixed methodology.
Components of information behavior in patients with cardiovascular disease participated in cardiac rehabilitation program [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Mobility Aids
Comparison of Social Participation Level Between Older Adults With Assistive Mobility Devices and Those Without These Devices [Volume 3, Number 2] |
The Coping Strategies to Autism Disorder among Mothers of Autistic Children: A Qualitative Study [Volume 8, Number 3] |
Multiple Sclerosis
The effect of mobile-based self-care program on balance of people with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Multiple Sclerosis
Investigating the effectiveness of resiliency pattern on improving the quality of life of multiple sclerosis patients: a follow up study [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Multiple Sclerosis
Comparing the effectiveness of meaning therapy and education based on acceptance and commitment to the resilience and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Multiple Sclerosis
Comparison the Effectiveness of Logo Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy on General Health and Quality of Life in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Multiple sclerosis
The effect of education and telephone follow-up (tele-nursing) on self-care and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis: A clinical trial study [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Muscle Co-contraction
The Effect of Kinesio Taping on Electromyography Activity and Co-Contraction of knee Muscles in People with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome during climbing and descending stairs [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Muscle frequency
The acute effect of using anti-pronation insoles on the frequency content of lower limb muscles in individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with pronated feet during the stance phase of walking [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Musculoskeletal Patients.
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment based Therapy on Pain Perception and Pain Self-Efficacy in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Mutual Behavior Analysis
Comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy training and interaction behavior analysis on communication documents and differentiation of incompatible couples [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Myocardial Infarction
The Effect of Jaw Relaxation on Anxiety of Patients with Myocardial Infarction [Volume 3, Number 1] |
The predisposing factors for drug abuse in viewpoints of referrers to Addiction Treatment Centers in Kermanshah [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Notorious Addicts.
The effect of group dialectical behavior therapy on self-control, emotional regulation and disturbance tolerance of drug addicts [Volume 9, Number 4] |
The Effectiveness of Continuing Education Program on Nurses' Burnout [Volume 6, Number 2] |
The Relationship between General Health and Quality of Work Life of Nurses Working in Zahedan Teaching Hospitals [Volume 4, Number 2] |
The effect of empowerment program on nurses' moral distress in intensive care units [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Work and Family Roles Among Women Nurses [Volume 4, Number 2] |
The Relationship Between Mental Health and Organizational Commitment in Nurses Working at Hospitals Affiliated With Isfahan University of Medical Sciences [Volume 3, Number 1] |
The Effect of Performing the Modified assessment step of Nursing Process on Clinical Self-efficacy of Working Nurses in Rofiydeh Rehabilitation Hospital [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Ergonomic Posture Evaluation and Risk Factors for Musculoskeletal Disorders among Nurses in Arak City by QES Method [Volume 6, Number 3] |
The role of Metacognition and Emotion Regulation Components in Predicting Distress Tolerance in Nurses [Volume 10, Number 1] |
The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Aerobic-Fitness and Self-Esteem of Nurses [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Design of Digital Flow Meter for Oxygen Setting in Patients with Respiratory Diseases [Volume 4, Number 2] |
The Effect of Patient Transfer Method Training on Its Performance among Nursing Personnel [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Musculoskeletal Disorders and Their Relationship With Burnout Among Nurses; A Descriptive Analytical Study [Volume 3, Number 2] |
The relationship Between Spiritual Health and Psychological Distress of Nurses: The Mediating role of Coping Styles [Volume 10, Number 4] |
The Relationship of Conflict Management Strategy Styles with Work Fatigue in Nurses [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Nursing Home
Impact of Instilling Hope and Active Listening Program on Mental Health of Elderly Residents of Kahrizak Nursing Home, During Year 2015 [Volume 3, Number 3] |
Nursing Intervention
The Effect of Nursing Intervention Education on Self-care Behaviors in Patients with High Blood Pressure Referred to Healthcare Centers in Kermanshah Province [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Nursing Students
The Role of Perfectionism, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Sleep Quality in Predicting Nursing Students’ Eating Disorder [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Nursing theory
Invisible disability: concept analysis with Walker and Avant's approach [Volume 11, Number 2] |
The Role of Moral Intelligence in Predicting the Social Well-being of Nursing Students with the Mediation of Psychological Hardiness [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Comparison of plantar pressure in obese male teenagers compared to healthy peers during walking [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Guilt Feeling in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Obstacle crossing
Analysis of Spatio-Temporal Parameters of Gait in Parkinson's Disease: The Effect of Obstacle Crossing and Virtual Reality Environment [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Online Game.
Effectiveness of Mindfulness Training on Mood and Anxiety Symptoms in Adolescents with Addiction to Online Games [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Operating Room
Job Stress and Related Factors among Staff of the Operation Room in Bandar Abbas [Volume 4, Number 2] |
Oral Hygiene
The Effect of Implementation of oral and dental care on Deglutition Disorders of patients with multiple sclerosis [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Organ Donation
Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Musculoskeletal Disorders Using the Quick Exposure Check Technique among the Nurses [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Organ Donation
Evaluation of Knowledge and Attitude towards Organ Donation among the Residents of Sanandaj City, Iran [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Comparing effects of two alternating order combination exercises (strength and endurance) on Blood pressure, Catecholamine's and Body composition in Overweight Postmenopausal Women [Volume 2, Number 1] |
Panic Disorder.
Predicting social well-being based on health-oriented lifestyle and irrational beliefs in women with panic disorder [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Patient's Rights
The Effect of cultural competency care on the attitude towards patients' rights in nurses [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Patients with Chronic Mental Disorders
Comparison of the Effect of Community Re-entry Program (CRP) and Conventional Psychotherapy Programs on Symptoms Severity and Communication and Interaction skills of Persons With Severe Mental Disorders [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Perceived Social Support
The mediating role of perceived social support in the relationship between mindfulness and body image concerns in amputees [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Phenomenological experience.
A Qualitative Study on Attitude Toward Hospitalization in Schizophrenics and the Community Re-entry Program Effectiveness on It: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Title: Identifying the challenges Marriage of Person with Physical-Motor Disabilities in Tehran: A phenomenological study [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Physical Activity.
The Effect of Aerobic and Resistance Concurrent Training on Leptin and Cortisol Levels in Overweight and Obese Anxious Adolescent Girls [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Play therapy
Comparing the Effectiveness of Play Therapy with the Role-Playing Approach and Kendall Therapy Program on the Fear of Children [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Postpartum Depression
Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation Training on Anxiety, Depression and Emotion Regulation in Women with Postpartum Depression [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Postpartum depression disorder.
Brain Behavioral Systems, Early Maladaptive Schema, and Premenstrual in Mothers with Postpartum Depression Disorder [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Effect of sensorimotor training on proprioception and pain and posture in subjects with chronic non specific neck pain [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Primiparous women
Evaluation of grandmother's emotional empowerment on anxiety in primiparous mothers of hospitalized infants [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The role of Traumatic Childhood Experiences and Primary Maladaptive Schemas in Predicting the Psychological Disturbance of Prisoners [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Pronated feet
The Effect of Long-Term Use of Motion Control Shoes on the Ground Reaction Force Components during Running in Runners with Excessive Pronated Feet [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Psychiatric Nursing
Investigation of the Relationship Between Individual-Social Characteristics of Patients in Vegetative State and Psychological Symptoms in Family Caregivers [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Psychological Flexibility.
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Quality of Life, Psychological Flexibility and Health Worry in Patients with Panic Disorder [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Psychological Hardiness
The Effect of Positivism Group Training on Psychological Health in Mothers of Children with Autism [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Psychological Well-Being
Effect of Frankl’s Logotherapy on Psychological Well-being and Self-compassion of Students [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Psychological Well-being.
Comparison of the Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment and Compassion Therapy on Psychological Well-being in Patient with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Qualitative Study
Development of psychotherapy protocol for women's desire/sexual arousal disorder; a qualitative study [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Qualitative research.
Exacerbating Challenges of Sexual Dysfunction after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A Qualitative Study [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Quality of Life
Evaluation of the Relationship Between Self-efficacy and Quality of Life in Mothers With Preterm Infants in Kamali Hospital of Karaj, Iran, 2015 [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Quality of Life
The Effectiveness of Self-Care Training on Quality of Life Among Elderlies With Diabetes [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Quality of Life
The Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation Group Training on Perceived Stress, Depression and Quality of Life among Primigravid Women with Pregnancy Anxiety [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Quality of life
The Effect of Distance education for self-care training on functional status and the quality of life of patients with rheumatoid arthritis [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Reassignment Surgery
Comparison of Hope inventory And Body image of Transsexual Individuals, with and without Reassignment Surgery [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
The Effect of Mindfulness Training on Rumination, Body Image and Sexual Satisfaction in Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [Volume 5, Number 3] |
Comparison lower limb joints stiffness in chronic low back pain patients with healthy people while walking [Volume 5, Number 4] |
The Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation Based on Virtual Reality on the Executive Functions of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Related Factors
Medication Errors in Nurses of Imam Khomeini Hospital of Saghez and its Related Factors [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Comparison of Coping Styles, Distress Tolerance and Religious Adherence in Mothers of Children with Physical-Motor Disabled and Normal [Volume 6, Number 4] |
Residential and Non-residential Elderlies
Comparison of Self-concept and Quality of Life between Residential and Non-residential Elderlies of Nursing Homes in Tehran [Volume 4, Number 1] |
Restless Legs Syndrome. Elderly.
Investigating the association between Restless Leg Syndrome and depression in elderly [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Risk Factors
The Effectiveness of Rehabilitation-Education Program on Risk Factors in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Risk of Falling
Effect of a Water Resistance Combined Training on Balance and Fall Risk in Elderly Women over 60 Years in Tehran [Volume 4, Number 1] |
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Rumination and Fatigue in Patients with Cervical Cancer [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Comparison of plantar pressure distribution in runners with different foot structures [Volume 5, Number 1] |
The Effect of Fatigue while Using Double-Density Spike Shoes on Muscle activities of Lower Extremities in Patients with Pronated Feet during Running [Volume 11, Number 1] |
The effect of aerobic training on the control of high blood sugar levels, insulin sensitivity and frequency content of ground reaction forces during running in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Satisfaction with marital relations
The role of Marital Conflicts and Marital Expectations in predicting Satisfaction with Marital Relations [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Schema therapy.
The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy in Emotional Regulation and Band on Body Mass Index of obese Women [Volume 9, Number 3] |
Scoping review
Evidence-Based Care of Physical Restraint Use for Elderly People: A Scoping Review [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Secondary schoolers
The effectiveness of cunctation-based cognitive-behavioral intervention on Secondary school students' self-esteem, Educational performance and procrastination [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Self Care
Comparison of the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Compassion- based therapy on self-care and glycosylated hemoglobin in diabetic patients [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Self-Care Behaviors
The Effect of Education Based on Family-Centered Empowerment Model on the Self-Care Behaviors of the Women Suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence [Volume 6, Number 2] |
A Gender-based Study of Proprioception in the Lower Limbs of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 3, Number 4] |
Short Form (36) Health Survey
Health status of mothers of children with special needs [Volume 2, Number 1] |
The effect of neuromuscular training program on landing position, balance, range of motion and strength of selected lower limb muscles in athletes with Dynamic Knee Valgus defect [Volume 8, Number 1] |
Social Support.
Evaluation of elderly cardiac patient's ability to receiving their needed social support [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Social Value
Comparison of social health dimensions in sport science University students with other University student from the Jahrom University [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Social participation
Relationship of Social Participation with Mental Health and Cognitive Function of the Oolder People with Chronic Disease [Volume 7, Number 2] |
Spinal Cord
The Effectiveness of a Vocational Rehabilitation Program on the Psychological Capital in People with Spinal Cord Injury [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Spinal Cord Injury
Factors Affecting Post Traumatic growth in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury: A Phenomenological Study [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Spiritual Attitude
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Psychological Well-being and Spiritual Attitude in Mothers with Autistic Children [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Spiritual Health
Impact of Spiritual Care on Spiritual Health of Elderly Residents of Kahrizak Nursing Home [Volume 3, Number 1] |
Strength Training
Effect of Strength Training with Elastic Band on Body Mass Index, Quality of Life and Psychological Well-being in Obese Females [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Effect of Training based on Acceptance and Commitment on Flexibility, Perceived Stress and Resilience of Female Employees of Hospital [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Effectiveness of Positive Thinking Training on Stress, Rumination and Body Image Concern in Mastectomized Women [Volume 6, Number 1] |
The Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Program of Dohsa-hou on Perceived Stress, Meta-worry and Quality of Life of Hemodialysis Patients [Volume 7, Number 1] |
The effect of magnetic field therapy on shoulder pain of patients with subluxation after stroke: Randomized Clinical Trials [Volume 5, Number 1] |
The effect of closed kinetic chain exercises on the static and dynamic balance of Stroke patients [Volume 1, Number 4] |
The Effect of Selected Exercise Trainings on Skill -Related Physical Fitness Factors in Elementary School Girl Students [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Determining the Role of Mindfulness and Rumination in Predicting Academic optimism in Students [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Effectiveness of Behavioral-Cognitive Group Training of Anxiety and Academic Vitality in Students [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Comparing Self-Efficacy and Life Satisfaction of Active and Inactive Individuals [Volume 4, Number 4] |
The relationship between moral intelligence and corona anxiety in students: the mediating role of distress tolerance [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Predicting Self-expression of Adolescent Students: The Role of Self-esteem & Family Communication Patterns [Volume 10, Number 4] |
Subjective Well-being
Effect of Hope Therapy on Sleep Quality, Subjective Well-being and Health Hardiness among Cancer Patients with Breast Evacuation [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Subjective Well-being.
Effectiveness of Psychodrama on Body Image, Emotional Regulation and
Subjective Well-being in Women with Breast Cancer [Volume 7, Number 4] |
Emotional Distance, Mourning Experience in Survivors of Covid-19 Deceased [Volume 10, Number 1] |
Systematic Review
Tele nursing care in chronic patients/a systematic review [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Tai Chi Chuan Exercise
The Effect of Tai Chi Chuan Exercises on Happiness, Sleep Quality and Blood Pressure of Elderly Women [Volume 6, Number 1] |
Thalassemia Major
Relationship Between Resilience and Quality of Life in Parents with Thalassemia Major Children in Zahedan City [Volume 5, Number 1] |
Thalassemia major
The Effect of Empowerment Program on the Knowledge and Performance of Mothers of Children with Thalassemia Major [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Body Image Flexibility and Affect Control in Women with Binge Eating Disorder [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Therapy based on Quality of Life.
The Effectiveness of Quality of Life-Based Therapy on Self-Care Behaviors of Patients with Type II Diabetes [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Thought Control Strategies
Comparison of Perfectionism and Thought Control Strategies in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Normal Individuals [Volume 4, Number 4] |
Tower of London card sorting test.
Comparison of Cognitive performances in patients with multiple sclerosis with healthy people [Volume 1, Number 3] |
The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy on Depression, Stress, Anxiety of Male to Female Transsexuals [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Type 2
The Effect of Two Exercise Therapy Methods on Cardiometabolic Health of Overweight Middle-Aged Females With Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 3, Number 2] |
Type II Diabetes
Effectiveness of Compassion Focused Therapy on Loneliness, Self-care Behaviors and Blood Sugar in Diabetes Patients [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Effect of 10 sessions using a simple and sensory thoracolumbosacral brace on lower limb muscle activities in kyphosis patients during typing [Volume 8, Number 4] |
Effect of 10 sessions using simple and sensory thoracolumbosacral brace on lower limb muscle activities in kyphosis patients during typing [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Unified Transdiagnostic
The Effectiveness of Unified Transdiagnostic Therapy on Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in Female Adolescent [Volume 10, Number 2] |
Upper Extremity
The effect of functional corrective, central stability exercises and combination on the shoulder girdle posture of adolescent girls [Volume 8, Number 2] |
The Role of Personality Characteristics in Predicting Corona Anxiety in Vaccinated People [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Effect of Valerian on Sleep Quality in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Verbal Memory
Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation Group Therapy on Verbal Memory, Stress Management and Alexithymia in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury [Volume 6, Number 3] |
A Comparison between the psychological well-being of parents of anger bullies, victims and normal students in the city of Tabriz [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Virtual Education.
The Effect of Awareness Raising Program on State Anxiety of Clients Undergoing Exercise stress testing [Volume 11, Number 1] |
The Effect of Simultaneous Use of Knee Braces and Foot Orthoses on Postural Control in Older Adults during Walking [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The Effect of Using Knee Braces on Postural Control of the Older Adults in Both Medio-Lateral and Anterior-Posterior Directions during Walking [Volume 8, Number 3] |
The Effect of Medical Diet Therapy on Mental Health, Body Image and Weight in Women with Obesity [Volume 6, Number 3] |
The effect of acute weight loss due to dehydration on the power and torque of the knee joint of elite weightlifters at different angular velocities [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Effect of Psycho-Social Rehabilitation on Psychological Well-being, Mental Health and Body Image Concern in Mastectomized Women [Volume 6, Number 4] |
The Relationship between Attachment Styles with Marital Satisfaction among Nurses [Volume 4, Number 2] |
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Depression, Stress and Indicators of Pain in Women with Chronic Pain [Volume 2, Number 4] |
Effectiveness of Drama Therapy on Premenstrual Symptoms and Marital Burnout in Women [Volume 5, Number 2] |
Women's Health Services
The Effect of a Course of Yoga with the Approach of Ultimate-Fit Preparation
and Hatha-Yoga Exercises on Static Balance in Middle-Aged Women [Volume 7, Number 4] |
The Effectiveness of the psychological empowerment package on the psychological well-being and family resilience of women with addicted husbands [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Effectiveness of Metacognitive Therapy on Worry, Rumination and Asthma Control in Patients with Asthma [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Written Disorder.
Effect of Aerobic Training on Verbal Working Memory, Cognitive Flexibility and Visual Perception in Patients with Written Disorder [Volume 7, Number 3] |
Yoga Education.
The Effect of Yoga Education on Anxiety Disorders in Patients with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 7, Number 3] |
The Comparison of physical and mental dimensions of health-related quality of life in addicts and healthy people [Volume 1, Number 2] |
Comparison of selected parameters of plantar pressure distribution during slope walking in adolescent girls [Volume 8, Number 4] |
The effect of resiliency skills training on attitude toward substance abuse in secondary school students of Khorramabad [Volume 2, Number 3] |
attachment style and personality organization
The role of personality organization and attachment styles in tendency of adolescence toward self – harm behaviors and suicide [Volume 5, Number 3] |
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
The effectiveness of parent-child interaction training on mothers' well-being and response inhibition of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [Volume 10, Number 3] |
back pain
The effect of using a pain self-management program on self-efficacy and acceptance of pain in the elderlies with chronic back pain: a clinical trial study [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Barriers to the employment of physically-motor disabled people: a qualitative study [Volume 10, Number 3] |
breast cancer
Comparison of Marital Satisfaction and General Health among breast cancer patients with breast evacuation, breast keeping and Cancer free women in Tehran [Volume 1, Number 4] |
The effect of the STOP-X program on knee valgus, static and dynamic balance in military cadets with dynamic knee valgus deficiency [Volume 9, Number 3] |
The effectiveness of mindfulness training on the resilience and ambiguity tolerance of breast cancer patients [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Comparison of the Effect of Music Therapy and Writing Therapy on the Anxiety and Depression of Students with Cancer [Volume 7, Number 1] |
cardiovascular disease
Relationship between Hypertension and Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease [Volume 4, Number 3] |
care ability
The effect of the implementation of the 5A self-management program on the self-care ability of hemodialysis patients admitted to Hazrat Rasool Akram (PBUH) hospital in Kalaleh city [Volume 10, Number 4] |
children with ADHD
The Effect of Cognitive Rehabilitation and Neurofeedback on improving Working Memory in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 6, Number 1] |
choosing a spouse and Qualitative research.
Marriage and Choosing a Spouse in Low sight and blind females: the phenomenological study [Volume 6, Number 3] |
clients of rehabilitation centers
The compersion of psychlogical capital and quality of life between mothers of healthy and handicaped children [Volume 1, Number 2] |
clinical trial
Investigating the Effect of Group Schema Therapy on Perfectionism in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder: A Clinical Trial Study [Volume 11, Number 1] |
cognitive flexibility
Comparing the effectiveness of self-compassion training and therapy based on acceptance and commitment Cognitive flexibility of mothers of children with autism [Volume 10, Number 2] |
colorectal cancer
Assessment relationship between Body-esteem and perceived social support in patients with ostomy in the Iranian Ostomy Association [Volume 5, Number 4] |
communication boundaries
Comparing the effectiveness of Emotionally Focused Therapy and cognitive-behavioral couple therapy on triangulation and family communication boundaries in women with symptoms of sexual dysfunction [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Rehabilitation needs of patients with physical disabilities due to traffic accidents for returning to the community: a qualitative study [Volume 1, Number 1] |
content analysis
Fears and Hops of the Families of Frontline Nurses During Coronavirus Pandemic [Volume 11, Number 2] |
coronary artery bypass graft.
The effect of religious-spiritual care on anxiety post surgery coronary artery bypass graft patients [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Presenting a Model of Corona Anxiety based on the Personality Traits with Mediation of Hypochondriasis in Vaccinated People [Volume 11, Number 2] |
The Effectiveness of Classical Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Behavioral Adaptation, Anxiety and Dental Fear of children [Volume 10, Number 1] |
depressed patients
Effectiveness of Group Meaning Therapy on Self-efficacy Improvement of Depressed Patients [Volume 10, Number 4] |
A Comparative Study on Cognitive emotion regulation strategies, Behavioral Brain Systems and Quality of Life in Patients with Diabetes and Healthy People [Volume 6, Number 2] |
The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) on Psychological Symptoms and Life Satisfaction in Patients with Type-2 Diabetes [Volume 5, Number 4] |
The effectiveness of self-disclosure therapy on early maladaptive schemas and rumination in women Seeking divorce [Volume 10, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of schema therapy on rumination, cognitive fusion, cognitive avoidance and neurocognitive processing in couples applying for divorce [Volume 9, Number 1] |
drug dependence
Effectiveness of emotion regulation strategies for aggression control based on gross model in substance abusers [Volume 2, Number 1] |
eating attitude.
The effectiveness of group therapy based on cognitive-behavioral approach on eating attitude and mental health of overweath people [Volume 6, Number 3] |
eating attitude.
Effectiveness of Neuro Linguistic Programming Method on Eating Attitude
and Mental Health of Overweight People [Volume 7, Number 4] |
The correlation between obstructive sleep apnea and high blood Pressure in elders [Volume 1, Number 4] |
The effect of Benson's relaxation technique on postoperative pain after total knee replacement in elder hospitalized patients in selected hospitals of kashan [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Comparing the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation and compassion-based therapy on self-care behaviors of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment [Volume 9, Number 4] |
elderly diabetics.
The effect of six weeks of trampoline training on plantar pressure during walking in elderly diabetics [Volume 9, Number 2] |
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Psychological Well-Being and Positive and Negative Emotions in Adolescent Girls with Body Dysmorphic Syndrome [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Investigating the effect of eight weeks of intense aerobic exercise (HIIT) on body mass index (BMI) and fasting blood sugar (FBS) in the nurses of Baqiyatallah Hospital [Volume 9, Number 1] |
exercise program.
Comparison of drug therapy with exersice program on body composition and cardio-pulmonary fitness in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease [Volume 1, Number 4] |
external fixator
Comparing the effect of cold and warm stimulation of Hoku point on pain Caused by Removal of External Fixators pin in patients with hand fractures [Volume 6, Number 4] |
extramarital relationships
The effectiveness of emotion-oriented therapy on feelings of inferiority, sensation-seeking and attachment styles of married women with experience of extramarital relationships [Volume 9, Number 2] |
Comparing viewpoint of patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery and cardiac rehabilitation specialists about barriers and facilitators of attending to cardiac rehabilitation programs [Volume 1, Number 1] |
family caregivers.
The effect of empowering family caregivers of brain damaged patients base on problem solving by telephone follow-ups on knowledge, attitude and skills of caregiving [Volume 1, Number 2] |
The relationship between physical activity, social support and Fatigue Severity of eldry Ilam in 2016 [Volume 3, Number 4] |
foot and toenail problems
The effect of foot and toenail care protocol on rate of foot and toenail problems of non diabetic older adults [Volume 2, Number 3] |
Predicting quality of life and happiness based on attachment style [Volume 1, Number 4] |
heart disease
Effectiveness Mindfulness based cognitive therapy training on Emotion regulation and Anxiety sensitivity in elderly with precedent heart disease [Volume 6, Number 3] |
Comparing the effect of "individual education" and "peer education" on the quality of life of hemodialysis patients [Volume 8, Number 4] |
high school students
The relation between attachment styles with Sensation seeking in high school students in the city of Isfahan [Volume 1, Number 3] |
Effects of Pilates training on the quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome women [Volume 2, Number 3] |
hope therapy
The effect of hope based group therapy approach on the severity of depression in multiple sclerosis patients [Volume 1, Number 1] |
The Effectiveness of Mentalization-Based Therapy (MBT) on Mental States and Quality of Life in Women with Hypothyroidism [Volume 10, Number 3] |
Knee Extensor Muscles Function in Individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery During Landing [Volume 11, Number 1] |
low vision
The comparison of Emotional Quotient in blinds and low visions with normal sighted people in Shahroud welfare organization, 1392 [Volume 1, Number 1] |
marital burnout.
The mediating role of emotional self-control in the relationship between infertility stress and marital exhaustion of infertile women in Birjand city [Volume 8, Number 4] |
medical students
The effect of communication skills training on the anxiety and stress of Covid-19 among the university students [Volume 9, Number 2] |
men’s infidelity phenomenology Study
Factors Influencing Men's Extramarital Relations, A Qualitative Study of Women's Experiences [Volume 6, Number 3] |
mothers of children with autism
Effectiveness of treatment based on acceptance and commitment on quality of life and cognitive flexibility of mothers of children with autism [Volume 9, Number 1] |
mucosal injury
Comparative study of pain and mucosal injury in tracheal suctioning with foley and nelaton catheters in patients admitted to the intensive care unit [Volume 9, Number 3] |
multiple sclerosis.
The Effctiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy on Depression and Emotion Regulation Strategies in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis [Volume 6, Number 2] |
Investigating the rate of compassion fatigue and its related factors among nurses at Shahid Beheshti Hospital in Kashan during the COVID-19 crisis 2020 [Volume 11, Number 1] |
The role of psychological resilience and spiritual health in predicting covid 19 anxiety in nurses [Volume 8, Number 2] |
Comparing the Effectiveness of Using Signature Strengths in New Way and Affective Capital Promotion Training on Burnout of Nurses [Volume 6, Number 3] |
The relationship between the quality of working life and general health of nursing staff of Razi Psychiatric Center in Tehran [Volume 5, Number 4] |
The effect of an aerobic training program on physical self-concept and self-esteem of nurses [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Comparison of Health Promoting Life style in rotating shift work vs fixed shift work Nurses [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The Effect of Lumbar care (based on Back School program) on Nursing Staffs’ low back pain [Volume 2, Number 3] |
older adult
Effect of Textured Foot Orthoses on the Ground Reaction Force Components in the Older Adults During Walking [Volume 7, Number 1] |
Effect of Acupressure on knee pain and stiffness intensity in elderly patients with osteoarthritis: a randomized clinical trial [Volume 2, Number 2] |
overall performance
The Effectiveness of Self-Care Training, Based on the Self-Care Model, on the Global Function of Schizophrenia [Volume 7, Number 2] |
pain management
The effect of cold therapy for the management of pain associated with deep breathing and coughing in patients undergoing open heart surgery in RAJAI cardiovascular hospital [Volume 1, Number 2] |
partnership caring model
The effect of partnership caring model on quality of life of adolescents with major thalassemia [Volume 2, Number 2] |
The effect of rehabilitation plan on fatigue in hemodialysis patients [Volume 5, Number 3] |
The effectiveness of sexual cognitive behavioral therapy in sexual stimulation and inhibition of men with low sexual performance [Volume 9, Number 2] |
physical disorders
A review of the effective factors on physical rehabilitation of stroke patients [Volume 2, Number 2] |
physically-motor disabled.
The Effectiveness of Cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on executive function and mental well-being in physically-motor disabled people with psychological distress [Volume 10, Number 4] |
post-traumatic stress disorder
The effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on treating the adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder after road accidents in the province of Isfahan [Volume 1, Number 2] |
premature infant
Comparison of the effects of kangaroo care and Lullaby on postpartum depression in women with preterm infants [Volume 5, Number 4] |
Nutritional status and related factors in the elderly hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital [Volume 7, Number 3] |
psychological well-being
The Role of Schematic Mentalities in Predicting the Nurses’ Quality of Professional Life Considering the Mediating Role of Psychological Well-Being [Volume 9, Number 1] |
Translation and psychometric properties of the Persian version of evidence-based practice questionnaire in nurses [Volume 11, Number 2] |
reactive postural control
The comparison of effect of eight weeks strength and balance training on reactive postural control of healthy elderly [Volume 11, Number 2] |
The effect of the implementation of teamwork skills on the self-efficacy of rehabilitation team members in the comprehensive rehabilitation center of the Red Crescent Society of Tehran [Volume 8, Number 4] |
rehabilitation team.
Investigating the level of knowledge and attitude of pressure ulcer prevention among rehabilitation team members [Volume 9, Number 4] |
Competencies of rehabilitation nurses to care for patients with disabilities: a qualitative study [Volume 9, Number 2] |
running shoes
Comparison of Ground Reaction Force Components during Running with Running Shoes and Control Shoes in Individuals with Genu Varum [Volume 7, Number 2] |
The Impact of Family-Based Empowerment Pattern on Hemodialysis Patients in Golestan Province in 1394 [Volume 5, Number 3] |
The effect of training skills to using the mobility assistive devices on self- esteem and self-efficacy of hospitalized patients with stroke [Volume 6, Number 3] |
The Effectiveness of Dialectic Behavioral Therapy - Family and child Skills Training (DBT-FST) on Impulsivity and quality of life in girls with self-harm behaviors [Volume 4, Number 3] |
Effect of self - management program on knee pain among older adult with osteoarthritis referred to orthopedic clinics in 1393 [Volume 1, Number 4] |
Influence of sport shoe ageing on frequency domain of lower limb muscles in individuals with genu varum and healthy group during walking [Volume 6, Number 3] |
sleep disorder
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy (CBT) and Resiliency Based Play Therapy on Sleep Disorder in Children with Functional Abdominal Pain [Volume 7, Number 1] |
sleep quality
Association between musculoskeletal disorders and sleep disorders among nursing staff [Volume 11, Number 2] |
Effect of knee control injury prevention program on landing mechanics, strength of selected lower limb muscles and core stability in adolescent male soccer players [Volume 9, Number 1] |
spinal cord injury
Effect of exercise program on musculoskeletal pain intensity in paraplegic Spinal Cord Injury patients [Volume 2, Number 2] |
Comparison of the effectiveness of emotionally-focused therapy based on attachment injuries and spirituality based schema therapy on anxiety and affective capital of women injured by husband's infidelity [Volume 9, Number 2] |
stereotyped behavior
Comparison of the effectiveness of Floortime Play Therapy and Applied Behavior Analysis in Reducing Communication Problems, Stereotypic Movements, and Social Interaction of Autistic Children [Volume 10, Number 3] |
stress management
The Effect of Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management Group Training on Anxiety, Depression, Stress and Readmission in Asthma Patients [Volume 6, Number 4] |
stressful incident debriefing
Evaluating the Effect of Stressful Incident Debriefing on Moral Distress of Nurses [Volume 2, Number 1] |
student girls.
A comparison of cognitive wellbeing, social acceptance and adaptation among Internet non-addicted and addicted high school girls [Volume 1, Number 2] |
The effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation on reading speed, accuracy of reading and reading comprehension in students with Dyslexia [Volume 2, Number 3] |
The Relationship between Psychological Capital and Academic Welfare of Students of Nursing Faculty of Gonabad University of Medical Sciences [Volume 4, Number 4] |
The relationship between culturs (individualism – collectivism) with stress among the veterans’ caregivers in the city of Tabriz in 2015 [Volume 5, Number 2] |
veterans and disabled
Investigating the Predictive Role of Body Dimensions Satisfaction in Social Phobia, Resilience and Self-Esteem of Veterans and the Disabled [Volume 11, Number 1] |
Comparison of plantar pressure distribution and static balance of Volleyball boys in the stance phase of walking [Volume 10, Number 1] |
The effect of using backpacks with different weights on plantar kinetics and balance variables among adolescent females during walking [Volume 10, Number 2] |
walking exercises
Effect of 8 Weeks of Walking Training on the Frequency Spectrum of Ground Reaction Forces During Walking in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Without Neuropathy [Volume 10, Number 3] |
weight lifting.
The effect of different degrees of weight reduction on the values of ground reaction force during the lift movement in elite weightlifters [Volume 9, Number 2] |